The Democratic Detonation Warbond dropped today, and as usual, with most updates so far, new, unannounced features have been quietly dropped into the game without any heads-up.

Six new high-level ship upgrades have landed today and should provide a refreshing change of pace for max-level players who are ready for some new content.

Heads up, these new upgrades cost a ton, so if you haven’t been saving up over the last few weeks, you’ll have to rely on your squad to get you caught up.

The new modules are detailed below:

  • Enhanced Combustion – Fire damage from stratagems increased by 25%.
    • Price: 200 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 15 super samples, 25,000 requisition
  • Atmospheric Monitoring – Orbital HE barrage spread reduced by 15%.
    • Price: 200 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 15 super samples, 25,000 requisition
  • Circuit Expansion – Lightning arcs, fired from weapons and turrets, jump to one additional enemy.
    • Price: 200 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 20 super samples, 20,000 requisition
  • Superior Packing Methodology – Resupply boxes refill support weapons with the maximum number of carriable magazines.
    • Price: 150 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 15 super samples, 20,000 requisition
  • XXL Weapons Bay – Eagle stratagems that drop multiple bombs will drop one additional bomb(s).
    • Price: 150 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 15 super samples, 25,000 requisition
  • Blast Absorption – Sentries take 50% less damage from explosions.
    • Price: 150 normal samples, 150 rare samples, 20 super samples, 25,000 requisition

After reviewing each, it seems players are primarily interested in the XXL Weapons Bay and Atmospheric Monitoring, which makes sense as they affect the barrages our Democratic brothers are so in love with.

They are probably the most sensible purchase now if you can afford any of these.

Blast Absorption could be useful when new, more powerful sentries are introduced, but for now, it seems like a waste.

There also seems to be an additional upgrade missing from the Robotics Workshop, as it only displays 7/8 even when you have them all unlocked, so keep your eyes open for possible new surprise drops.

Overall, it is a nice addition of some fresh, potentially game-changing content along with this update.
Which new upgrades will prove most useful in your spread of Managed Democracy?