The Overseer is a medium infantry unit of the Illuminate, wielding an energy staff that functions as both a ranged and melee weapon. It also carries a directional energy shield on its left arm, which it deploys for protection when not attacking.


Overseers appear in patrols, mission-specific objectives, and as reinforcements from Warp Ships.


At long range, Overseers fire powerful single-shot energy projectiles from their staves after a brief charge-up delay.

When under sustained fire, Overseers raise their collapsible energy shields, which protect their upper and middle body from frontal attacks.

At close range, Overseers rush toward Helldivers, swinging their staff in fast, sweeping melee strikes.

Additionally, if an Overseer spots a Helldiver, it will point its staff and command nearby Voteless to attack.


  • Overseers are highly dangerous in close combat, as their melee combos knock Helldivers to the ground.
  • Follow-up attacks are often lethal before Helldivers can recover.
  • If an Overseer has taken enough armor damage, a Helldiver’s melee attack can stagger them, which can be life-saving in close quarters.
  • Explosive weapons, such as the PLAS-1 Scorcher, are highly effective, as they bypass armor and deal direct damage to health.
  • High fire-rate weapons, like the MG-43 Machine Gun and AR-23 Liberator, are effective at stripping armor and tearing through exposed flesh.
  • Weaknesses:
  • Overseers wear Medium armor on their head, covering their weakest point.
  • High-damage Medium armor-penetrating weapons can destroy their head in a single shot, including:
  • JAR-5 Dominator
  • P-4 Senator
  • APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle
  • RS-422 Railgun
  • Their energy shield does not cover their legs, allowing Helldivers to deal continuous damage even when the shield is raised.