The Impaler is a large, heavily-armored Terminid, returning from Helldivers 1. It burrows its tentacle-like head into the ground, causing it to emerge near Helldivers to trap and attack them.


Impalers first appear as an Elimination Target on Hard difficulty and begin spawning naturally at higher difficulties, increasing in frequency as the challenge escalates.


Impalers attack by plunging their three bladed tentacles into the ground, causing them to reappear at multiple locations, surrounding Helldivers.

Before attacking, they arch their tentacles slightly upward before rapidly striking the ground.

They can also bat at sentry Stratagems with their legs if placed too close.

While attacking, Impalers expose their unarmored head, making it a critical weak point for Helldivers to target.


  • Shooting their tentacles forces them to retract, temporarily disrupting their attack, though this does not kill them.
  • The best time to eliminate an Impaler is when its head is exposed during a tentacle attack.
  • High-damage support weapons, such as the AC-8 Autocannon, or offensive Stratagems like the Eagle 500kg Bomb, are highly effective against exposed Impalers.
  • Anti-tank weapons, including the GR-8 Recoilless Rifle and Orbital Railcannon Strike, can also take them down efficiently.
  • Orbital Precision Strike is an ideal counter, as Impalers remain immobile while attacking. A well-placed Eagle Strafing Run to the head can also eliminate them in a single strike.
  • Breaking their leg armor exposes the vulnerable flesh underneath, making it a viable alternative if their head is not revealed.
  • Impalers pose a significant threat to vehicles and exosuits, such as the M-102 Fast Reconnaissance Vehicle, EXO-45 Patriot, and EXO-49 Emancipator, as their large frames struggle to evade tentacle strikes, and their weapons can be easily dismembered by Impaler attacks.