Overview of Vega Bay

Vega Bay is one of five planets in the Ymir Sector, serving as a vital strategic supply line between Super Earth territories and the Western Galactic Rim. It became a major battleground during the Second Galactic War, facing multiple Automaton assaults.


Vega Bay shares geographical similarities with Marfark, Heeth, Vog-Sojoth, and Vandalon IV, featuring rugged terrain and industrialized settlements that made it a key staging ground for military operations.


During the Second Galactic War, Vega Bay remained peaceful until June 2, 2184, when Automaton forces from Wezen and Wasat launched a coordinated assault, capturing the planet and cutting off FTL lines.

In Operation Valiant Resistance (June 8-9, 2184), the Helldivers liberated Vega Bay as part of a campaign to secure access to Wasat, home to the Automaton Database One. However, this victory was short-lived.

As Operation Starslayer commenced on July 3, 2184, Automaton forces launched counterattacks to sever reinforcements to the X and Meissa systems. Despite heavy Super Earth reinforcements, Vega Bay fell again on July 7.

For three weeks, Vega Bay became a stalemate until Operation Liberty Crush severed the Automaton front, isolating the planet from Cyberstan. The Helldiver main fleet launched a final assault, securing Vega Bay on July 30, 2184. With the fall of Wezen on August 4, the Ymir Sector was freed, ensuring Vega Bay remained under Super Earth control permanently.