The Warrior is a sturdy, medium-sized Terminid built for close-quarters combat, offering greater resilience than its smaller kin.


Warriors appear in patrols, guarding Bug Nests and objectives, and can emerge from Bug Holes or Bug Breaches on all difficulty levels. They may also spawn in groups of three when summoned by a Brood Commander.

From Challenging difficulty onward, they are commonly found defending minor points of interest.


Warriors relentlessly pursue Helldivers, climbing over obstacles to engage them in melee. They strafe sideways to block escape routes and will actively cut off fleeing targets.

If their head is destroyed, they enter a berserk state, where they move faster but gradually bleed out.

On rare occasions, when a target is out of reach, a Warrior may burrow underground and suddenly resurface for an ambush attack.

Additionally, Warriors can emit pheromones, potentially triggering a Bug Breach that summons reinforcements.


  • While any weapon can take down a Warrior, rapid-fire or explosive weapons are highly effective against multiple enemies.
  • The fastest way to kill a Warrior is by destroying its head, but this triggers its berserk mode. Helldivers can either finish it off immediately or let it bleed out over time.
  • Shooting its legs prevents it from gaining speed after losing its head, making it easier to avoid.
  • Heavy damage causes Warriors to explode in a spray of green goo, eliminating their corpse. This effect is commonly triggered by grenades, Arc weapons, or certain stratagems.
  • Even when headless, Warriors can still summon Bug Breaches, though they usually die before completing the process.
  • Despite their slow movement, their ability to strafe and intercept fleeing Helldivers makes them a persistent and dangerous threat.