The Hunter is a medium-sized Terminid capable of using its wings to flank enemies and pounce on Helldivers, making it a highly mobile threat.
Hunters can appear in patrols, guarding Bug Nests and objectives, or emerge from specific Bug Holes or Bug Breaches, starting at Medium difficulty.
From Challenging difficulty onward, they may also be found guarding Minor Places of Interest.
Hunters primarily flank and surround Helldivers, moving faster than most other Terminids. While advancing, they can strafe sideways or execute short jumps, making them harder to hit.
At a distance of 15-20 meters, they will pounce onto a Helldiver, dealing damage and immediately following up with claw or tongue attacks.
Hunters can use their tongue attack at short to medium range, inflicting Acid burn, which slows Helldivers’ movement. Their claws are used at extremely close range, typically when right next to a Helldiver.
Additionally, Hunters can release pheromones, potentially triggering a Bug Breach to summon reinforcements.
- Compared to Warriors and other medium-sized Terminids, Hunters are relatively weak and can be quickly dispatched with headshots.
- Shooting their legs significantly slows them down and prevents them from executing a pounce.
- While weak individually, Hunters should be prioritized within swarms, as their ability to close distances quickly makes them a high-priority target.
- Melee attacks can temporarily stun and knock back a Hunter. Skilled Helldivers can even melee them mid-pounce to stop their attack.