The Dropship is an unarmed Automaton transport aircraft designed solely for deploying reinforcements onto the battlefield. Though it poses no direct combat threat, it plays a crucial role in enemy troop deployments.


Dropships appear throughout all difficulty levels, arriving at designated drop zones to deploy Automaton reinforcements.


Upon arrival, Dropships hover momentarily before deploying their passengers.

If a Dropship is destroyed before deployment, all passengers inside are instantly eliminated.

Dropships follow specific flight paths, making predicting their arrival possible in certain missions.


  • Dropships can be destroyed before deploying reinforcements, ensuring their cargo never reaches the ground.
  • The thrusters are the Dropship’s weakest points—destroying any one of the four will knock it out of the air, often causing it to crash onto deployed Automatons and explode.
  • The fuselage is heavily armored, making it resistant to non-anti-vehicle weaponry.
  • The GR-8 Recoilless Rifle and FAF-14 Spear can pierce through the fuselage, guaranteeing destruction of both the Dropship and its reinforcements.
  • SEAF SAM Sites will attempt to intercept Dropships, but their effectiveness depends on positioning and flight path—some Dropships may still deploy before being destroyed.
  • Automaton passengers can be shot while still attached to the Dropship’s underbelly during deployment. Weapons with high splash damage, such as the GL-21 Grenade Launcher, are highly effective in eliminating multiple troops mid-air.